Friday, May 29, 2015

Random Projects

So, I can never just sit still. So, here are some projects I've been working on between house projects.

I made this totally awesome puff ball board. I {love}it!!!

I just made a puff balls. Cut a piece of wood into a circle. Sanded it. Painted it. And Glued my puff palls onto it. Easy peazy!

I used these handy puff ball makers. Genius. 

Not sure what else to put on the mustard board. I'll figure it out soon.

A new craft store opened up in town. This means trouble for the hubbs {seriously}.

I made these from there. I bought the wood and came home and created them. So much fun! The blue one is a white erase calendar. Another in a mason jar that I painted with chalk paint and then sanded. I use if for my make up brushes. 

Here is my bike. I've had it for 10 years and I'm very attached to it. But, I didn't like the color anymore. And the rain kind of did it in. I thought about buying a new teal bike. But, I just couldn't. I love this bike. So, I decided to restore it. 

And it was a great idea!!! I love how it turned out!!

I spray painted it, put on a new seat, new handle bar grips, a new bag on the front, made vinyl to put on. And then decorated it. It was fun. And rewarding.

I made a scrapbook of the house updates. That was fun. And it's nice being able to have to show people what the house used to look like when we give house tours of our work. 

I painted the edges of a piece of wood. Then I made a cool sign with paper and modge podge.

It turned out cute!!

Then I did the same thing with these wooden things the hubby made for me. I still need to find something to make this project cuter. It will come to me. 

I spray painted our patio table. It was blach-ish.

I painted it white. 

The front yard fence was a nasty green color. 

I spray painted it black. Much better. 

I made a reindeer sign. I love it.

My husband does not. 

And I'm working on more. So, I'll those soon.

Happy crafting!!

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