Friday, May 29, 2015

Living Room update

So, I finally painted the fireplace in the living room.

The old post from the living room is here

And we swapped out the tile. The hubby said we should tile over the old tile. I said we needed to bash out the old tile. The hubby listened to me {not sure why?? But...wait...we all know why :-) }. Well, turns out we should have done it his way.

Old tile...

Bashing out the old tile like the wifey requested {ba ha}.

New tile and grout installed.

You probably can't notice. I can. But, the tile is all wavy. Oops. Wife fail. 

But, it's better than the black.

I finished painting the fireplace white. Then we installed a new mantel with restored wood from the Restore. Favorite place.  And ditto with the trim around the tile on the floor. It's all very lovely now. It's like vintage chic. {Perfect}

I love it!!!

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