Friday, May 29, 2015

Kids Bedroom #2

This room was funny! Whoever painted it must have been on crack. And by all the stuff written on the walls {in glow in the dark paint}, I think that's exactly what happened. Ha! Worst paint job I've ever seen!! They just slapped it on. There was blue all over the ceiling. this room we had to paint the ceiling, paint the walls, install new light fixtures, and new trim around the floor, doors, and windows. We still need new carpet. Someday. I keep saying that about lots of things around here. Ba!

Here is the before...

The closet before...

In the middle of painting...


And here it is all done...

I totally {love it}.

This is our homework station. With 6 kids you have to have one, right?!

My favorite is the wall color!! Perfect!!

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