Friday, February 6, 2015

Computer Desks

With as many kids as we have, we needed a few computers for the kids to do their homework on. I decided to go down to my favorite store and look for something I could fix up. I found two great desks that I fell in love with. I came right home and went to work on fixing them up. 

I {love} the cream desk. It's super old and vintage. 

All the handles were missing. It was sad. I was trying to decide what to do. I didn't want to paint over where the handles were because I was trying to keep it as original as possible. 

I found a gallon of paint in my garage that matched perfectly! So, I retouched everything with a little paint. Then I sanded down different areas and applied stain to make it look old. Then I re-stained the whole top. Which made a huge difference. Once I was done doing that I opened the top right drawer....and low and behold....all the handles were in the drawer!! I was SOOO happy. I screwed them back. It was perfect. I didn't have to do anything to them. They were vintage cool already! 

Here's the cream desk before.

Here's the yellow desk before. 

I didn't have to do too much to this one. I Just sanded down all the edges and a few places on the drawers. I stained the places I sanded down. Then I stained the whole top. And that was it. 

Here's how they looked after I set up the computer stations. Perfect!! 

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